Nafnoof / Border (3) | نفنوف


Hebron | الخليل
5 Colors | ألوان
3,278 Stitches | غرز

Download Files (includes Machine Embroidery Formats PCS, DST, PES, PDF, OXS, CHART).

This pattern was digitally preserved based on documentation by Nabil Anani and Sliman Mansour. References.

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Hebron | الخليل
5 Colors | ألوان
3,278 Stitches | غرز

Download Files (includes Machine Embroidery Formats PCS, DST, PES, PDF, OXS, CHART).

This pattern was digitally preserved based on documentation by Nabil Anani and Sliman Mansour. References.

Hebron | الخليل
5 Colors | ألوان
3,278 Stitches | غرز

Download Files (includes Machine Embroidery Formats PCS, DST, PES, PDF, OXS, CHART).

This pattern was digitally preserved based on documentation by Nabil Anani and Sliman Mansour. References.